
Backstage With The Bible Decorating Ideas


The Best VBS I've seen in 30 Years

Are you looking for your next Vacation Bible School Curriculum? If so, look no further (actually, you will have to click a link below, because I'm not selling this. I just love it so much, I want to tell the world.) Backstage with the Bible is the absolute best VBS program we've ever used. In fact, we liked it so much, that in September of 2010 we pre-ordered "Kickin' it Old School" (Go Fish's NEXT VBS release) to be sure we'd have it for the Summer of 2011.

I've been a fan of "The Go Fish Guys" for a few years now, but this unexpected treat from them put me at the top of their fan club. What? You've never heard of "The Go Fish Guys"?!?! Well, then keep reading and click on some links below. And if you're a fan, be sure to leave your thoughts below so others will discover how blessed we are to have them writing songs (and now curriculum) for Jesus!

During the Summer, more than 100 people a week drop by this page to get more information about "The Go Fish Guys" Bible School Curriculum, "Backstage with the Bible." in 2010, at least 58 people e-mailed me to get our game ideas! I'm excited that so many churches are using and considering this fabulous program. Sycamore Tree Church used this material in 2009. Our kids, VBS staff and all of our volunteers fell in love with it. One young man asked if we'd be using the same music in 2010, he loved it so much last year. Fortunately, he's in for a treat in 2011, because The Go Fish Guys are BACK in 2011 with "Kickin it Old School." Keep scrolling to find out how you can order this curriculum (yep, it's ready now!! We have ours already)

Who are the Go Fish Guys?

"The Go Fish Guys" have some of the tightest harmony and catchiest songs I've heard in years. They write and play for the younger crowd, but not only do they live up to their motto, "To create kids music that won't drive parents bonkers," they exceed it. Go Fish brings accapello music to a whole new level.

As if that wasn't enough, in 2009 they created thieir own Vacation Bible School Curricullum that focuses a bit more on scripture and the plan of salvation than most, plus has music and music videos that are unsurpassed by any VBS program I've found in my history of working with them.

I encourage you to follow the links you'll find below, get to know the "Go Fish Guys" and take a moment to enjoy their music. You'll be glad you did!

The Top Six Reasons "Backstage With the Bible" is the BEST Bible School Ever!

  • Absolutely AMAZING Music with great Music Videos.
  • Easy to use manuals and easy to prepare for curriculum
  • The kids love it. They invite their friends. Even the 10-12 year olds are singing, dancing and bringing friends.
  • The message is clear - Every one is created special, but no matter how special we are, we can't manage to obey God's rules. So, God sent His Son to die on a cross so we can be saved by grace and then go tell others about His marvelous gift.
  • The Rock Concert theme allows for an easy transformation of your church into a backstage pass concert event!
  • months later the kids are still asking to sing Go Fish songs in worship!

What's available with this VBS?

Just about everything you need comes with this package

  • Promoters Manual (for the VBS Director)
  • Music Book (with all the notes and chords)
  • Concert/Encore Overview with a great skit for each day
  • Catering Manual (aka snacks)
  • Set Design Manual (aka crafts)
  • Bible Story Guide
  • CD with all the songs
  • DVD with music videos for all the songs, choreography, an opening concert and closing encore for each day, extra stuff from "The Go Fish Guys"
  • CD-ROM with templates for all the crafts
  • Access to all the materials online

Go Fish Guys Music - at Amazon

I think you'll really enjoy the music this trio (and now in 2013, duo) puts out! Upbeat, fun and wholesome, you'll be tapping your toes in no time!

More Vacation Bible School Ideas

  • Vacation Bible School - Go Fish Guys "Kickin' It Old...
    The Go Fish Guys have done it again! This is their second VBS offering!
  • Vacation Bible School
    Jesus is Turnin' the Town Upside Down is the Theme of this Brand New VBS. With three original songs, crafts and game ideas and easy to prepare lessons, this VBS is perfect for any children's ministry

Gotta Move

Go Fish Guys' THIRD VBS

In 2013 Sycamore Tree Church hosted their third Go Fish Guys VBS. Gotta Move has a Great Message, just like the first two Go Fish Guys offerings. I love to LISTEN to the music, the songs are great, but not tremendous for kids to sing. The words move too fast, and there are too many words for kids to learn in just five days.

The Memory Verses for each day we found a bit long or less than useful for a child to have in their brain for future recall. For instance, the first day is Genesis 6:9: "Noah was a righteous man and walked with God." Obviously, it's a great verse, and this one isn't too long, but when these kids hit high school, will this verse be one that helps them through the tough times? (And you'll be amazed at what kids recall later in life)

We were also a bit distressed that the fruit of the Spirit, which was a theme in the music and the skits, was not included in any of the lessons. It just didn't tie together as well as the "Backstage" lessons.

We felt the Go Fish Guys "Gotta Move" was the best option for our church this year, but perhaps they set the bar too high with "Backstage . . ." because as with "Kickin' it" I'm a bit disappointed.

But not too disappointed to send you to the Go Fish Guys Site to order this curriculum!

At Sycamore Tree Church we hung about 100 old CD's from the ceiling in our game area. If you're interested in the games we used to go with the lessons, just e-mail me I'd be happy to share.

Our Craft area had old VBS backdrops as well as our VBS Director's (professional photographer) Photo backdrops. We added some paint cans and a few extra monitors that our worship leader had laying around at home.

We turned the Bible Story area into a "dressing room." Someone had wigs and allowed us to put them all over the room. We moved a couch into the room as well as a coat rack where we hung old dance costumes, some prom gowns and suit jackets. Feather boas hung from every possible place and we put a big yellow star on the door.

The sanctuary (Our Concert Area) lost 1/2 of it's light bulbs to black lights, and all the windows were covered so we could control the lighting (we have a 100 year old sanctuary with phenomenal stained glass windows). Two DJ's allowed us to borrow some lights that move to the bass, so we had lighting flying all over the sanctuary.

Our kids loved every moment of it. We closed with a prayer for salvation. This Bible School program is the best I've ever seen . . . yep, the BEST EVER!

Click here to see more photos of our VBS

Where is Sycamore Tree Church? - Here's the info you need to find out more about Sycamore Tree . . .

  • Sycamore Tree Church
    Sycamore Tree Church offers contemporary worship in Steubenville, OH. Nursery is available every Sunday!
  • Mapquest Directions
    We're easy to find!

Did you have a Go Fish VBS? - You can tell others about it here!

anonymous on July 01, 2013:

does anyone have any clipart to go with Backstage with the Bible? couldn't find any on the dvd.

anonymous on June 14, 2012:

Could you e-mail me the games you used for Backstage with the Bible Go Fish curriculum? I'd appreciate it.

anonymous on February 03, 2011:

If any one wouldlike to sell or trade Backstage with the Bible VBS Kit please contact me. Amanda

anonymous on August 16, 2010:

We had a Go Fish VBS this year. It was my first year as co-host. The curriculum was staight forward and I had everything I needed. There were no game ideas, but our game leader is crafty and found many on the internet. One of our best decorations was a HUGE CD (with shiny silver wrapping paper and a black middle) that sat on stage in front of the church organ. It was so big, we had to take it apart the last wouldn't fit through the door. We also used one of those disco balls that is colorful and the church's spotlight. The crafts were wonderful and the bible lessons were right on target of presenting the gospel. I researched many different curricula and found this one to be the best. I will use the 2011 Go Fish curriculum next year!

Lynne Modranski (author) from Ohio on June 12, 2010:

@anonymous: - this is a link to pictures. Plus, check below for more decorating ideas!

Lynne Modranski (author) from Ohio on June 12, 2010:

@anonymous: Here's a link to our pics. Mostly with kids more than just decorations. We borrowed just about EVERYTHING! Have a great VBS!

anonymous on June 12, 2010:

Looking for decorating ideas and backdrop ideas for Backstage with the Bible VBS.

anonymous on June 12, 2010:

@anonymous: We are doing Backstage with the Bible in July...need decoration ideas...Could you post or email pictures of your backdrop or decorations that you used? thanks,Judith Lenoir, NC

anonymous on June 12, 2010:

@anonymous: We are going to do Backstage with the Bible in July...need some decorating you have any pictures of your concert backdrop or any decorations that you used?Would you consider sharing the pics with us? Thanks, Judith Lenoir, NC

anonymous on June 11, 2010:

We just finished up our Go Fish VBS and it was so awesome!!! Even our 6th graders had a ball!!! Truly the best VBS I have seen! Pure gospel message!!! The kids absolutely loved it and so do our teachers. So stress free to use and implement. As far as games go , our youth minister did the games with some our youth and did basics like kick ball and dodge ball a few nights and some more "specialize" games other days. Our youth led the "concert" each day and did a wonderful job!! We couldn't be happier with the result!

Lynne Modranski (author) from Ohio on May 26, 2010:

@anonymous: I'd love to share! Send me an e-mail ( and I'll send you our game ideas!

anonymous on May 26, 2010:

We are doing the GoFish VBS June 14-18. We need game ideas too! Would love to hear from you soon!

Lynne Modranski (author) from Ohio on May 22, 2010:

@anonymous: Tammy,Please send me an e-mail - - I'm happy to send them out to you!!!

anonymous on May 21, 2010:

@Lynne-Modranski: would love to get a copy also....ours is about 3 weeks away, so any help is appreciated.

Lynne Modranski (author) from Ohio on May 15, 2010:

@shellys-space: Be sure to stop back here and let us know!! We really loved it!

Shelly Sellers from Midwest U.S.A. on May 15, 2010:

Not yet! I sure hope to attend one this year! We LOVE VBS!!

Lynne Modranski (author) from Ohio on May 12, 2010:

@anonymous: I got your e-mail! You should have them in your inbox - if not, let me know!

anonymous on May 12, 2010:

I would love to get a copy of the games you did for the VBS last year. We are making the jump from Group to GoFish and can't wait to kick it off!

Lynne Modranski (author) from Ohio on April 22, 2010:

@anonymous: Kim, I hope you get this message! Send me an e-mail - - and I'd be happy to sen dyou the games we used!!! Blessings,Lynne

anonymous on April 22, 2010:

Our VBS group just noticed that the games section doesn't have any guidance or material, stating "we know our kids best". Help! We really like suggestions and would love to know if people found games/activities that tied into the Bible lesson of the day. We use the games as one of the rotations outside. THanks!

TanyaWhaley on January 06, 2010:

Truly Awesome lens! Love it! 5 *'s and favorited! Happy New Year! Wish you all the best!

Lynne Modranski (author) from Ohio on December 14, 2009:

@anonymous: There is a music book. I'm a musician myself and have never liked using the CD's. I prefer to use my own instruments. But I used the music video because it was so well done and the kids LOVED it. We do our VBS program the Sunday AM following VBS. The adults loved it too!!!

anonymous on December 12, 2009:

I just happened to pick up Children's Ministry and just happened to see the add for this vbs. It looks awesome! I'm planning to present it to my education comitee in a few weeks, but for anyone out there that has already used this program - how was it teaching the songs to the kids? Is there a music score in the kit? I know Go Fish is an acapella group, but that's something our music director would probably want. Part of what we do every year is to use the songs in our worship service the following Sunday.

anonymous on September 06, 2009:

hey- I know this is a little off topic, but I found a song in one of your albums called "half step higher" and it sounds like a song i have actually heard...Does anyone know what it is?

anonymous on September 02, 2009:

i love your music my favorite song is the ten commadment boogie i did the backstage with the bible thing it was pretty awesome . you guys rock . you guys did my church st.paul you are so cool

anonymous on August 18, 2009:

I know I commented already, but I have had another thought since attending the awesome concert on Friday night in Brookfield, Wisconsin. Something that makes a difference to the kids is the fact the there are "real" people behind this program. There is a connection between the people they see during VBS in the video and the same people at the concert, not just "actors". Keep up the good work. We look forward to more of your work in the future.

Nancy Tate Hellams from Pendleton, SC on August 17, 2009:

I was not at all familiar with the Go Fish Guys and appreciate your leaving the link on my Sunday School Songs lens. I watched the Go Fish Guys video and it really looks great. Thank you for sharing. I am lensrolling to my Sunday School Songs. Thank you.

anonymous on August 12, 2009:

We had a great VBS with the Go Fish Guys. I served on the committee again this year, and this program was different (in a good way). Everything was very clear and easy to work with. A lot of our adult volunteers are education professionals and they had tons of positive feedback regarding the program. We are hoping for another Go Fish Guys VBS program for next year.

anonymous on August 10, 2009:

We did "Backstage" for our VBS too. We wanted something more than the average VBS that every other church was doing. We wanted to teach the Bible and this was perfect. We have also been using GoFish music during VBS for a few years now. Kids really love their music, much more than some other VBS music that sounds to "kiddie" for the older kids. It's so awesome to see 5th and 6th grade boys dancing and singing. We had one young boy that doesn't attend our church ask if he could skip games and crafts to "go learn more about Jesus". We also had 33 kids accept Jesus as their savior. It doesn't get much better than that!

anonymous on August 05, 2009:

My 5 year old daughter attended a Go Fish Guys VBS and loved it. The music was great and the message was wonderful. It is exciting to see a group of kids having a great time and, most importantly, growing in Christ. I plan on using some of the Go Gish Guys music in my Sunday school class!

anonymous on August 05, 2009:

I was lucky enough to teach the classes for the Go Fish VBS, and the lessons are so well-written and well, just plain fun to do! I had so much fun that week, I wish we could have done a second week. The kids were so into it, and their energy was incredibly infectous. I totally loved every moment!

ohiomomof3 on August 05, 2009:

My two older children attended a Go Fish Guys VBS—and my 2-year-old wished he did. He cried every night when we dropped off big brother and sister. I returned early for them just so my little guy could hear the music. All three of them sang the songs all the way home and a month later they're still singing them. We are looking into ordering some of the Go Fish Guys' music—there's a great deal on their website.I liked that the salvation message was presented in a clear way for kids to easily understand. I was the storyteller at another VBS this summer, and leading kids to Christ was not emphasized in the teacher's manual. Sure, the kids learned about Jesus, but just having the head knowledge does not make a child a Christian. To sum it up, my older kids attended three Bible schools this summer and liked the Go Fish Guys VBS the best.

Backstage With The Bible Decorating Ideas


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