What if you notice your current monitor small and stifling, merely yous're non a fan of ultrawide displays? Well, sounds like you need to go iv monitors and suit them in a 2x2 grid! So, you go out, go the monitors and bracket you lot need, and set it up on your workstation.

Your computer tells you lot you accept iv carve up and unique displays... merely yous want to combine them into one behemothic screen instead. Here are some ways to combine your different screens into one giant brandish.

1. Combining Displays With the Intel Hard disk drive Graphics Control Panel

Intel HD Graphics Control Panel

This pick is for computers powered by an Intel processor with integrated graphics. If you take one, y'all can apply the Intel HD Graphics Control Panel to combine your monitors.

Access the command panel by right-clicking on your desktop and and then choosing Graphics properties. When the command panel opens up, select Display, then Multiple Displays.

Under Select Display Way, click on Collage. Under the submenu that volition appear, choose Enable. Once done, numbers should appear on your screen. They are there to help you suit your displays on the app.

Multiple displays submenu on Intel HD Graphics Control Panel

To arrange your monitors properly, you need to choose the correct setup. Under the Conform Displays department, yous tin select between Horizontally or Vertically. Ensure that you select the right configuration to avoid defoliation.

Once yous accept chosen the right monitor arrangement, go to Select I or More Agile Displays. Nether each number, in the dropdown menu, choose the right monitor located at the number. And so, if i Chief Brandish is at the left-most position, ensure that the left-almost monitor is assigned there.

Selecting the correct displays for Collage on Intel

Don't worry if your monitors take the aforementioned brands or names. Whenever y'all make a selection, a number would appear on your screen to ensure that y'all brand the right pick.

Once you lot're happy with your settings, click Use. Your screen may coma for a moment, merely don't panic; wait until the settings are applied.

When your screen returns, the control panel volition ask you to go along the settings. Choose Yes if you're happy with it. Simply if you want to revert to the original view, select No.

Bezel correction for Intel HD Graphics

Also, if your monitor bezels brand for less immersive views, go to Bezel Correction. Select Enable, and you lot should see patterns announced across your screen. You can so adjust the Bezel Values to hide a portion of your desktop expanse. This ensures a seamless and more immersive viewing experience.

2. Combining Displays With AMD Radeon Settings

AMD Radeon Software Access

If your computer has an AMD chip or uses a discrete AMD graphics card, you tin can use Eyefinity to span the desktop.

Right-click on your desktop, then choose AMD Radeon Software. Once the settings windows pop up, choose settings (gear icon) on the upper right section. From the submenu, select Display.

In the Brandish submenu, await for the Eyefinity section. You should encounter an AMD Eyefinity item. Adjacent to that, click on the Quick Setup button. AMD will and then create a new system based on your display arrangement in Windows.

AMD Eyefinity settings
Image Credit: AMD

If the display arrangement is incorrect, you can change it by going to Display Organization and choosing Rearrange Displays. One of your displays will turn blue when yous do this.

Click on the corresponding box to confirm the location of the blueish screen in relation to your other monitors. Continue doing this until you lot've confirmed the placement of all your displays.

To prepare your preferred primary display, render to the Display submenu. Under that, go to Global Display, and so select the monitor that y'all want to set as primary.

AMD Preferred Display
Epitome Credit: AMD

With your preferred screen selected, scroll downward the screen until y'all observe Preferred Brandish. Click on it and ensure it's Enabled.

Once done, your multi-monitor setup will human activity as a unmarried display.

3. Combining Displays With the NVIDIA Control Panel

Access NVIDIA Control Panel from the Desktop

NVIDIA graphics cards have a "Surround" feature for converting your multi-monitor setup. This lets you lot stretch a unmarried desktop across multiple displays.

You can access NVIDIA's settings by correct-clicking on your desktop and choosing NVIDIA Control Console. On the left navigation pane, under the 3D Settings parent, click on Configure Surround.

On the main screen, so you lot should run across options for Environs. Put a tick on the Span displays with the Surround cheque box, then choose Configure. An NVIDIA Gear up Environment window should popular upward.

NVIDIA Surround Settings

In the new window, configure your displays equally needed. The Topology dropdown menu shows you your possible monitor layouts. Under Displays, choose the screens that you want to use as part of your desktop.

In the Display Filigree Surface area, suit the monitors to match their physical arrangement. Y'all tin likewise specify the orientation of each monitor hither.

Setup NVIDIA Surround Windows

Set the resolution and refresh rate of your entire screen under the Resolution Section. Under the Bezel Correction Section, adapt the monitor gaps for a seamless view.

If y'all want to actuate the Environs feature for specific uses only, like playing a game, choose Keyboard Shortcuts. This allows you to actuate and deactivate Surroundings speedily. Y'all could also set hotkeys for other features like bezel peeking.

Dual monitor tools website

If you don't have the above drivers on your computer or don't want to have a single broad display all the time, y'all can use Dual Monitor Tools instead.

It'south a light, open-source software that allows you to maximize an app across every screen. It'south also packed with boosted features like Wallpaper Changer, Snap, and Launcher.

Dual monitor tools menu

Download and install Dual Monitor Tools, then access the app via your Notification Expanse at the Windows Task Bar. Right-click on Dual Monitor Tools Logo and choose Options.

The Options for Dual Monitor Tools window will announced. On the navigation pane, choose Active Window under the Bandy Screen parent.

Options for Dual Monitor Tools

On the principal panel, you should see Hotkeys for Active Window. Await for Supersize the avtive (sic) window, then cull Change.

A Change Hotkey window will announced. Put a tick mark on the Enable this Hotkey. Yous then need to put tick marks on the hotkeys and choose the key from the dropdown card to Supersize your app. Once done, press OK.

Change hotkey for Dual Monitor Tools

You can then select Shut to leave the options screen. Now, to maximize your current app across all your screens, all you need is to press your preset shortcut. Your electric current plan will then span beyond your screens.

Download: Dual Monitor Tools (Free)

Maximize Your Screen

Span games across monitors

Most multi-monitor setups are built for productivity. But if y'all can besides enjoy information technology for gaming, why not? At present, yous can make utilize of all your screens when playing. After all, if you lot work hard, you should also play hard.

Now that your PC is sorted, how almost your laptop? It may non have the aforementioned capacity for multiple monitors that a estimator has, simply you can nonetheless add more screens to improve your gaming or productivity experience.